accounts.controllers.registration module

Controllers for registration and user profile management.

Users are able to create a new arXiv account, and login using their username and password. Each user can create a personalized profile with contact and affiliation information, and links to external identities such as GitHub and ORCID.

class accounts.controllers.registration.ProfileForm(formdata=None, obj=None, prefix='', data=None, meta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: wtforms.form.Form

User registration form.

CATEGORIES = [('Astrophysics', [('astro-ph.CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('astro-ph.EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('astro-ph.GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('astro-ph.HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('astro-ph.IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('astro-ph.SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics')]), ('Condensed Matter', [('cond-mat.dis-nn', 'Disordered Systems and Neural Networks'), ('cond-mat.mes-hall', 'Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics'), ('cond-mat.mtrl-sci', 'Materials Science'), ('cond-mat.other', 'Other Condensed Matter'), ('cond-mat.quant-gas', 'Quantum Gases'), ('cond-mat.soft', 'Soft Condensed Matter'), ('cond-mat.stat-mech', 'Statistical Mechanics'), ('cond-mat.str-el', 'Strongly Correlated Electrons'), ('cond-mat.supr-con', 'Superconductivity')]), ('Computer Science', [('cs.AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('cs.AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('cs.CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('cs.CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('cs.CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('cs.CL', 'Computation and Language'), ('cs.CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('cs.CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('cs.CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('cs.DB', 'Databases'), ('cs.DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('cs.DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('cs.DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('cs.DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('cs.ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('cs.FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('cs.GL', 'General Literature'), ('cs.GR', 'Graphics'), ('cs.GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('cs.HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('cs.IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('cs.IT', 'Information Theory'), ('cs.LG', 'Machine Learning'), ('cs.LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('cs.MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('cs.MM', 'Multimedia'), ('cs.MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('cs.NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('cs.NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('cs.NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('cs.OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('cs.OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('cs.PF', 'Performance'), ('cs.PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('cs.RO', 'Robotics'), ('cs.SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('cs.SD', 'Sound'), ('cs.SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('cs.SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('cs.SY', 'Systems and Control')]), ('Economics', [('econ.EM', 'Econometrics'), ('econ.GN', 'General Economics'), ('econ.TH', 'Theoretical Economics')]), ('Electrical Engineering and Systems Science', [('eess.AS', 'Audio and Speech Processing'), ('eess.IV', 'Image and Video Processing'), ('eess.SP', 'Signal Processing')]), ('General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology', [('gr-qc', 'General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology')]), ('High Energy Physics - Experiment', [('hep-ex', 'High Energy Physics - Experiment')]), ('High Energy Physics - Lattice', [('hep-lat', 'High Energy Physics - Lattice')]), ('High Energy Physics - Phenomenology', [('hep-ph', 'High Energy Physics - Phenomenology')]), ('High Energy Physics - Theory', [('hep-th', 'High Energy Physics - Theory')]), ('Mathematics', [('math.AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('math.AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('math.AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('math.AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('math.CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('math.CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('math.CT', 'Category Theory'), ('math.CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('math.DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('math.DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('math.FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('math.GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('math.GN', 'General Topology'), ('math.GR', 'Group Theory'), ('math.GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('math.HO', 'History and Overview'), ('math.IT', 'Information Theory'), ('math.KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('math.LO', 'Logic'), ('math.MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('math.MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('math.NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('math.NT', 'Number Theory'), ('math.OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('math.OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('math.PR', 'Probability'), ('math.QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('math.RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('math.RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('math.SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'), ('math.SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('math.ST', 'Statistics Theory')]), ('Mathematical Physics', [('math-ph', 'Mathematical Physics')]), ('Nonlinear Sciences', [('nlin.AO', 'Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems'), ('nlin.CD', 'Chaotic Dynamics'), ('nlin.CG', 'Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases'), ('nlin.PS', 'Pattern Formation and Solitons'), ('nlin.SI', 'Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems')]), ('Nuclear Experiment', [('nucl-ex', 'Nuclear Experiment')]), ('Nuclear Theory', [('nucl-th', 'Nuclear Theory')]), ('Physics', [('physics.acc-ph', 'Accelerator Physics'), ('', 'Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics'), ('', 'Applied Physics'), ('physics.atm-clus', 'Atomic and Molecular Clusters'), ('physics.atom-ph', 'Atomic Physics'), ('', 'Biological Physics'), ('physics.chem-ph', 'Chemical Physics'), ('physics.class-ph', 'Classical Physics'), ('physics.comp-ph', 'Computational Physics'), ('', 'Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability'), ('physics.ed-ph', 'Physics Education'), ('physics.flu-dyn', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('physics.gen-ph', 'General Physics'), ('physics.geo-ph', 'Geophysics'), ('physics.hist-ph', 'History and Philosophy of Physics'), ('physics.ins-det', 'Instrumentation and Detectors'), ('', 'Medical Physics'), ('physics.optics', 'Optics'), ('physics.plasm-ph', 'Plasma Physics'), ('physics.pop-ph', 'Popular Physics'), ('physics.soc-ph', 'Physics and Society'), ('', 'Space Physics')]), ('Quantitative Biology', [('q-bio.BM', 'Biomolecules'), ('q-bio.CB', 'Cell Behavior'), ('q-bio.GN', 'Genomics'), ('q-bio.MN', 'Molecular Networks'), ('q-bio.NC', 'Neurons and Cognition'), ('q-bio.OT', 'Other Quantitative Biology'), ('q-bio.PE', 'Populations and Evolution'), ('q-bio.QM', 'Quantitative Methods'), ('q-bio.SC', 'Subcellular Processes'), ('q-bio.TO', 'Tissues and Organs')]), ('Quantitative Finance', [('q-fin.CP', 'Computational Finance'), ('q-fin.EC', 'Economics'), ('q-fin.GN', 'General Finance'), ('q-fin.MF', 'Mathematical Finance'), ('q-fin.PM', 'Portfolio Management'), ('q-fin.PR', 'Pricing of Securities'), ('q-fin.RM', 'Risk Management'), ('q-fin.ST', 'Statistical Finance'), ('q-fin.TR', 'Trading and Market Microstructure')]), ('Quantum Physics', [('quant-ph', 'Quantum Physics')]), ('Statistics', [('stat.AP', 'Applications'), ('stat.CO', 'Computation'), ('stat.ME', 'Methodology'), ('stat.ML', 'Machine Learning'), ('stat.OT', 'Other Statistics'), ('stat.TH', 'Statistics Theory')]), ('Test', [])]

Categories grouped by archive.

COUNTRIES = [('', ''), ('AW', 'Aruba'), ('AF', 'Afghanistan'), ('AO', 'Angola'), ('AI', 'Anguilla'), ('AX', 'Åland Islands'), ('AL', 'Albania'), ('AD', 'Andorra'), ('AE', 'United Arab Emirates'), ('AR', 'Argentina'), ('AM', 'Armenia'), ('AS', 'American Samoa'), ('AQ', 'Antarctica'), ('TF', 'French Southern Territories'), ('AG', 'Antigua and Barbuda'), ('AU', 'Australia'), ('AT', 'Austria'), ('AZ', 'Azerbaijan'), ('BI', 'Burundi'), ('BE', 'Belgium'), ('BJ', 'Benin'), ('BQ', 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba'), ('BF', 'Burkina Faso'), ('BD', 'Bangladesh'), ('BG', 'Bulgaria'), ('BH', 'Bahrain'), ('BS', 'Bahamas'), ('BA', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'), ('BL', 'Saint Barthélemy'), ('BY', 'Belarus'), ('BZ', 'Belize'), ('BM', 'Bermuda'), ('BO', 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of'), ('BR', 'Brazil'), ('BB', 'Barbados'), ('BN', 'Brunei Darussalam'), ('BT', 'Bhutan'), ('BV', 'Bouvet Island'), ('BW', 'Botswana'), ('CF', 'Central African Republic'), ('CA', 'Canada'), ('CC', 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'), ('CH', 'Switzerland'), ('CL', 'Chile'), ('CN', 'China'), ('CI', "Côte d'Ivoire"), ('CM', 'Cameroon'), ('CD', 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the'), ('CG', 'Congo'), ('CK', 'Cook Islands'), ('CO', 'Colombia'), ('KM', 'Comoros'), ('CV', 'Cabo Verde'), ('CR', 'Costa Rica'), ('CU', 'Cuba'), ('CW', 'Curaçao'), ('CX', 'Christmas Island'), ('KY', 'Cayman Islands'), ('CY', 'Cyprus'), ('CZ', 'Czechia'), ('DE', 'Germany'), ('DJ', 'Djibouti'), ('DM', 'Dominica'), ('DK', 'Denmark'), ('DO', 'Dominican Republic'), ('DZ', 'Algeria'), ('EC', 'Ecuador'), ('EG', 'Egypt'), ('ER', 'Eritrea'), ('EH', 'Western Sahara'), ('ES', 'Spain'), ('EE', 'Estonia'), ('ET', 'Ethiopia'), ('FI', 'Finland'), ('FJ', 'Fiji'), ('FK', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'), ('FR', 'France'), ('FO', 'Faroe Islands'), ('FM', 'Micronesia, Federated States of'), ('GA', 'Gabon'), ('GB', 'United Kingdom'), ('GE', 'Georgia'), ('GG', 'Guernsey'), ('GH', 'Ghana'), ('GI', 'Gibraltar'), ('GN', 'Guinea'), ('GP', 'Guadeloupe'), ('GM', 'Gambia'), ('GW', 'Guinea-Bissau'), ('GQ', 'Equatorial Guinea'), ('GR', 'Greece'), ('GD', 'Grenada'), ('GL', 'Greenland'), ('GT', 'Guatemala'), ('GF', 'French Guiana'), ('GU', 'Guam'), ('GY', 'Guyana'), ('HK', 'Hong Kong'), ('HM', 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands'), ('HN', 'Honduras'), ('HR', 'Croatia'), ('HT', 'Haiti'), ('HU', 'Hungary'), ('ID', 'Indonesia'), ('IM', 'Isle of Man'), ('IN', 'India'), ('IO', 'British Indian Ocean Territory'), ('IE', 'Ireland'), ('IR', 'Iran, Islamic Republic of'), ('IQ', 'Iraq'), ('IS', 'Iceland'), ('IL', 'Israel'), ('IT', 'Italy'), ('JM', 'Jamaica'), ('JE', 'Jersey'), ('JO', 'Jordan'), ('JP', 'Japan'), ('KZ', 'Kazakhstan'), ('KE', 'Kenya'), ('KG', 'Kyrgyzstan'), ('KH', 'Cambodia'), ('KI', 'Kiribati'), ('KN', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'), ('KR', 'Korea, Republic of'), ('KW', 'Kuwait'), ('LA', "Lao People's Democratic Republic"), ('LB', 'Lebanon'), ('LR', 'Liberia'), ('LY', 'Libya'), ('LC', 'Saint Lucia'), ('LI', 'Liechtenstein'), ('LK', 'Sri Lanka'), ('LS', 'Lesotho'), ('LT', 'Lithuania'), ('LU', 'Luxembourg'), ('LV', 'Latvia'), ('MO', 'Macao'), ('MF', 'Saint Martin (French part)'), ('MA', 'Morocco'), ('MC', 'Monaco'), ('MD', 'Moldova, Republic of'), ('MG', 'Madagascar'), ('MV', 'Maldives'), ('MX', 'Mexico'), ('MH', 'Marshall Islands'), ('MK', 'Macedonia, Republic of'), ('ML', 'Mali'), ('MT', 'Malta'), ('MM', 'Myanmar'), ('ME', 'Montenegro'), ('MN', 'Mongolia'), ('MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'), ('MZ', 'Mozambique'), ('MR', 'Mauritania'), ('MS', 'Montserrat'), ('MQ', 'Martinique'), ('MU', 'Mauritius'), ('MW', 'Malawi'), ('MY', 'Malaysia'), ('YT', 'Mayotte'), ('NA', 'Namibia'), ('NC', 'New Caledonia'), ('NE', 'Niger'), ('NF', 'Norfolk Island'), ('NG', 'Nigeria'), ('NI', 'Nicaragua'), ('NU', 'Niue'), ('NL', 'Netherlands'), ('NO', 'Norway'), ('NP', 'Nepal'), ('NR', 'Nauru'), ('NZ', 'New Zealand'), ('OM', 'Oman'), ('PK', 'Pakistan'), ('PA', 'Panama'), ('PN', 'Pitcairn'), ('PE', 'Peru'), ('PH', 'Philippines'), ('PW', 'Palau'), ('PG', 'Papua New Guinea'), ('PL', 'Poland'), ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'), ('KP', "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of"), ('PT', 'Portugal'), ('PY', 'Paraguay'), ('PS', 'Palestine, State of'), ('PF', 'French Polynesia'), ('QA', 'Qatar'), ('RE', 'Réunion'), ('RO', 'Romania'), ('RU', 'Russian Federation'), ('RW', 'Rwanda'), ('SA', 'Saudi Arabia'), ('SD', 'Sudan'), ('SN', 'Senegal'), ('SG', 'Singapore'), ('GS', 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands'), ('SH', 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha'), ('SJ', 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen'), ('SB', 'Solomon Islands'), ('SL', 'Sierra Leone'), ('SV', 'El Salvador'), ('SM', 'San Marino'), ('SO', 'Somalia'), ('PM', 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'), ('RS', 'Serbia'), ('SS', 'South Sudan'), ('ST', 'Sao Tome and Principe'), ('SR', 'Suriname'), ('SK', 'Slovakia'), ('SI', 'Slovenia'), ('SE', 'Sweden'), ('SZ', 'Swaziland'), ('SX', 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)'), ('SC', 'Seychelles'), ('SY', 'Syrian Arab Republic'), ('TC', 'Turks and Caicos Islands'), ('TD', 'Chad'), ('TG', 'Togo'), ('TH', 'Thailand'), ('TJ', 'Tajikistan'), ('TK', 'Tokelau'), ('TM', 'Turkmenistan'), ('TL', 'Timor-Leste'), ('TO', 'Tonga'), ('TT', 'Trinidad and Tobago'), ('TN', 'Tunisia'), ('TR', 'Turkey'), ('TV', 'Tuvalu'), ('TW', 'Taiwan, Province of China'), ('TZ', 'Tanzania, United Republic of'), ('UG', 'Uganda'), ('UA', 'Ukraine'), ('UM', 'United States Minor Outlying Islands'), ('UY', 'Uruguay'), ('US', 'United States'), ('UZ', 'Uzbekistan'), ('VA', 'Holy See (Vatican City State)'), ('VC', 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'), ('VE', 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of'), ('VG', 'Virgin Islands, British'), ('VI', 'Virgin Islands, U.S.'), ('VN', 'Viet Nam'), ('VU', 'Vanuatu'), ('WF', 'Wallis and Futuna'), ('WS', 'Samoa'), ('YE', 'Yemen'), ('ZA', 'South Africa'), ('ZM', 'Zambia'), ('ZW', 'Zimbabwe')]
GROUPS = [('grp_physics', 'Physics'), ('grp_math', 'Mathematics'), ('grp_q-bio', 'Quantitative Biology'), ('grp_cs', 'Computer Science'), ('grp_q-fin', 'Quantitative Finance'), ('grp_stat', 'Statistics'), ('grp_eess', 'Electrical Engineering and Systems Science'), ('grp_econ', 'Economics')]
RANKS = [('', ''), ('1', 'Staff'), ('2', 'Professor'), ('3', 'Post doc'), ('4', 'Grad student'), ('5', 'Other')]
affiliation = <UnboundField(StringField, ('Affiliation',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.Length object>, <wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>], 'description': 'This field accepts <a href="">pidgin TeX (\\\'o)</a> for foreign characters.'})>
country = <UnboundField(SelectField, ('Country',), {'choices': [('', ''), ('AW', 'Aruba'), ('AF', 'Afghanistan'), ('AO', 'Angola'), ('AI', 'Anguilla'), ('AX', 'Åland Islands'), ('AL', 'Albania'), ('AD', 'Andorra'), ('AE', 'United Arab Emirates'), ('AR', 'Argentina'), ('AM', 'Armenia'), ('AS', 'American Samoa'), ('AQ', 'Antarctica'), ('TF', 'French Southern Territories'), ('AG', 'Antigua and Barbuda'), ('AU', 'Australia'), ('AT', 'Austria'), ('AZ', 'Azerbaijan'), ('BI', 'Burundi'), ('BE', 'Belgium'), ('BJ', 'Benin'), ('BQ', 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba'), ('BF', 'Burkina Faso'), ('BD', 'Bangladesh'), ('BG', 'Bulgaria'), ('BH', 'Bahrain'), ('BS', 'Bahamas'), ('BA', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'), ('BL', 'Saint Barthélemy'), ('BY', 'Belarus'), ('BZ', 'Belize'), ('BM', 'Bermuda'), ('BO', 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of'), ('BR', 'Brazil'), ('BB', 'Barbados'), ('BN', 'Brunei Darussalam'), ('BT', 'Bhutan'), ('BV', 'Bouvet Island'), ('BW', 'Botswana'), ('CF', 'Central African Republic'), ('CA', 'Canada'), ('CC', 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'), ('CH', 'Switzerland'), ('CL', 'Chile'), ('CN', 'China'), ('CI', "Côte d'Ivoire"), ('CM', 'Cameroon'), ('CD', 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the'), ('CG', 'Congo'), ('CK', 'Cook Islands'), ('CO', 'Colombia'), ('KM', 'Comoros'), ('CV', 'Cabo Verde'), ('CR', 'Costa Rica'), ('CU', 'Cuba'), ('CW', 'Curaçao'), ('CX', 'Christmas Island'), ('KY', 'Cayman Islands'), ('CY', 'Cyprus'), ('CZ', 'Czechia'), ('DE', 'Germany'), ('DJ', 'Djibouti'), ('DM', 'Dominica'), ('DK', 'Denmark'), ('DO', 'Dominican Republic'), ('DZ', 'Algeria'), ('EC', 'Ecuador'), ('EG', 'Egypt'), ('ER', 'Eritrea'), ('EH', 'Western Sahara'), ('ES', 'Spain'), ('EE', 'Estonia'), ('ET', 'Ethiopia'), ('FI', 'Finland'), ('FJ', 'Fiji'), ('FK', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'), ('FR', 'France'), ('FO', 'Faroe Islands'), ('FM', 'Micronesia, Federated States of'), ('GA', 'Gabon'), ('GB', 'United Kingdom'), ('GE', 'Georgia'), ('GG', 'Guernsey'), ('GH', 'Ghana'), ('GI', 'Gibraltar'), ('GN', 'Guinea'), ('GP', 'Guadeloupe'), ('GM', 'Gambia'), ('GW', 'Guinea-Bissau'), ('GQ', 'Equatorial Guinea'), ('GR', 'Greece'), ('GD', 'Grenada'), ('GL', 'Greenland'), ('GT', 'Guatemala'), ('GF', 'French Guiana'), ('GU', 'Guam'), ('GY', 'Guyana'), ('HK', 'Hong Kong'), ('HM', 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands'), ('HN', 'Honduras'), ('HR', 'Croatia'), ('HT', 'Haiti'), ('HU', 'Hungary'), ('ID', 'Indonesia'), ('IM', 'Isle of Man'), ('IN', 'India'), ('IO', 'British Indian Ocean Territory'), ('IE', 'Ireland'), ('IR', 'Iran, Islamic Republic of'), ('IQ', 'Iraq'), ('IS', 'Iceland'), ('IL', 'Israel'), ('IT', 'Italy'), ('JM', 'Jamaica'), ('JE', 'Jersey'), ('JO', 'Jordan'), ('JP', 'Japan'), ('KZ', 'Kazakhstan'), ('KE', 'Kenya'), ('KG', 'Kyrgyzstan'), ('KH', 'Cambodia'), ('KI', 'Kiribati'), ('KN', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'), ('KR', 'Korea, Republic of'), ('KW', 'Kuwait'), ('LA', "Lao People's Democratic Republic"), ('LB', 'Lebanon'), ('LR', 'Liberia'), ('LY', 'Libya'), ('LC', 'Saint Lucia'), ('LI', 'Liechtenstein'), ('LK', 'Sri Lanka'), ('LS', 'Lesotho'), ('LT', 'Lithuania'), ('LU', 'Luxembourg'), ('LV', 'Latvia'), ('MO', 'Macao'), ('MF', 'Saint Martin (French part)'), ('MA', 'Morocco'), ('MC', 'Monaco'), ('MD', 'Moldova, Republic of'), ('MG', 'Madagascar'), ('MV', 'Maldives'), ('MX', 'Mexico'), ('MH', 'Marshall Islands'), ('MK', 'Macedonia, Republic of'), ('ML', 'Mali'), ('MT', 'Malta'), ('MM', 'Myanmar'), ('ME', 'Montenegro'), ('MN', 'Mongolia'), ('MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'), ('MZ', 'Mozambique'), ('MR', 'Mauritania'), ('MS', 'Montserrat'), ('MQ', 'Martinique'), ('MU', 'Mauritius'), ('MW', 'Malawi'), ('MY', 'Malaysia'), ('YT', 'Mayotte'), ('NA', 'Namibia'), ('NC', 'New Caledonia'), ('NE', 'Niger'), ('NF', 'Norfolk Island'), ('NG', 'Nigeria'), ('NI', 'Nicaragua'), ('NU', 'Niue'), ('NL', 'Netherlands'), ('NO', 'Norway'), ('NP', 'Nepal'), ('NR', 'Nauru'), ('NZ', 'New Zealand'), ('OM', 'Oman'), ('PK', 'Pakistan'), ('PA', 'Panama'), ('PN', 'Pitcairn'), ('PE', 'Peru'), ('PH', 'Philippines'), ('PW', 'Palau'), ('PG', 'Papua New Guinea'), ('PL', 'Poland'), ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'), ('KP', "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of"), ('PT', 'Portugal'), ('PY', 'Paraguay'), ('PS', 'Palestine, State of'), ('PF', 'French Polynesia'), ('QA', 'Qatar'), ('RE', 'Réunion'), ('RO', 'Romania'), ('RU', 'Russian Federation'), ('RW', 'Rwanda'), ('SA', 'Saudi Arabia'), ('SD', 'Sudan'), ('SN', 'Senegal'), ('SG', 'Singapore'), ('GS', 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands'), ('SH', 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha'), ('SJ', 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen'), ('SB', 'Solomon Islands'), ('SL', 'Sierra Leone'), ('SV', 'El Salvador'), ('SM', 'San Marino'), ('SO', 'Somalia'), ('PM', 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'), ('RS', 'Serbia'), ('SS', 'South Sudan'), ('ST', 'Sao Tome and Principe'), ('SR', 'Suriname'), ('SK', 'Slovakia'), ('SI', 'Slovenia'), ('SE', 'Sweden'), ('SZ', 'Swaziland'), ('SX', 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)'), ('SC', 'Seychelles'), ('SY', 'Syrian Arab Republic'), ('TC', 'Turks and Caicos Islands'), ('TD', 'Chad'), ('TG', 'Togo'), ('TH', 'Thailand'), ('TJ', 'Tajikistan'), ('TK', 'Tokelau'), ('TM', 'Turkmenistan'), ('TL', 'Timor-Leste'), ('TO', 'Tonga'), ('TT', 'Trinidad and Tobago'), ('TN', 'Tunisia'), ('TR', 'Turkey'), ('TV', 'Tuvalu'), ('TW', 'Taiwan, Province of China'), ('TZ', 'Tanzania, United Republic of'), ('UG', 'Uganda'), ('UA', 'Ukraine'), ('UM', 'United States Minor Outlying Islands'), ('UY', 'Uruguay'), ('US', 'United States'), ('UZ', 'Uzbekistan'), ('VA', 'Holy See (Vatican City State)'), ('VC', 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'), ('VE', 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of'), ('VG', 'Virgin Islands, British'), ('VI', 'Virgin Islands, U.S.'), ('VN', 'Viet Nam'), ('VU', 'Vanuatu'), ('WF', 'Wallis and Futuna'), ('WS', 'Samoa'), ('YE', 'Yemen'), ('ZA', 'South Africa'), ('ZM', 'Zambia'), ('ZW', 'Zimbabwe')], 'validators': [<wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>]})>
default_category = <UnboundField(OptGroupSelectField, ('Your default category',), {'choices': [('Astrophysics', [('astro-ph.CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('astro-ph.EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('astro-ph.GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('astro-ph.HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('astro-ph.IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('astro-ph.SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics')]), ('Condensed Matter', [('cond-mat.dis-nn', 'Disordered Systems and Neural Networks'), ('cond-mat.mes-hall', 'Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics'), ('cond-mat.mtrl-sci', 'Materials Science'), ('cond-mat.other', 'Other Condensed Matter'), ('cond-mat.quant-gas', 'Quantum Gases'), ('cond-mat.soft', 'Soft Condensed Matter'), ('cond-mat.stat-mech', 'Statistical Mechanics'), ('cond-mat.str-el', 'Strongly Correlated Electrons'), ('cond-mat.supr-con', 'Superconductivity')]), ('Computer Science', [('cs.AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('cs.AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('cs.CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('cs.CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('cs.CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('cs.CL', 'Computation and Language'), ('cs.CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('cs.CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('cs.CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('cs.DB', 'Databases'), ('cs.DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('cs.DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('cs.DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('cs.DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('cs.ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('cs.FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('cs.GL', 'General Literature'), ('cs.GR', 'Graphics'), ('cs.GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('cs.HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('cs.IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('cs.IT', 'Information Theory'), ('cs.LG', 'Machine Learning'), ('cs.LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('cs.MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('cs.MM', 'Multimedia'), ('cs.MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('cs.NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('cs.NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('cs.NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('cs.OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('cs.OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('cs.PF', 'Performance'), ('cs.PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('cs.RO', 'Robotics'), ('cs.SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('cs.SD', 'Sound'), ('cs.SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('cs.SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('cs.SY', 'Systems and Control')]), ('Economics', [('econ.EM', 'Econometrics'), ('econ.GN', 'General Economics'), ('econ.TH', 'Theoretical Economics')]), ('Electrical Engineering and Systems Science', [('eess.AS', 'Audio and Speech Processing'), ('eess.IV', 'Image and Video Processing'), ('eess.SP', 'Signal Processing')]), ('General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology', [('gr-qc', 'General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology')]), ('High Energy Physics - Experiment', [('hep-ex', 'High Energy Physics - Experiment')]), ('High Energy Physics - Lattice', [('hep-lat', 'High Energy Physics - Lattice')]), ('High Energy Physics - Phenomenology', [('hep-ph', 'High Energy Physics - Phenomenology')]), ('High Energy Physics - Theory', [('hep-th', 'High Energy Physics - Theory')]), ('Mathematics', [('math.AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('math.AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('math.AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('math.AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('math.CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('math.CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('math.CT', 'Category Theory'), ('math.CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('math.DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('math.DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('math.FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('math.GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('math.GN', 'General Topology'), ('math.GR', 'Group Theory'), ('math.GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('math.HO', 'History and Overview'), ('math.IT', 'Information Theory'), ('math.KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('math.LO', 'Logic'), ('math.MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('math.MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('math.NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('math.NT', 'Number Theory'), ('math.OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('math.OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('math.PR', 'Probability'), ('math.QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('math.RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('math.RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('math.SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'), ('math.SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('math.ST', 'Statistics Theory')]), ('Mathematical Physics', [('math-ph', 'Mathematical Physics')]), ('Nonlinear Sciences', [('nlin.AO', 'Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems'), ('nlin.CD', 'Chaotic Dynamics'), ('nlin.CG', 'Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases'), ('nlin.PS', 'Pattern Formation and Solitons'), ('nlin.SI', 'Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems')]), ('Nuclear Experiment', [('nucl-ex', 'Nuclear Experiment')]), ('Nuclear Theory', [('nucl-th', 'Nuclear Theory')]), ('Physics', [('physics.acc-ph', 'Accelerator Physics'), ('', 'Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics'), ('', 'Applied Physics'), ('physics.atm-clus', 'Atomic and Molecular Clusters'), ('physics.atom-ph', 'Atomic Physics'), ('', 'Biological Physics'), ('physics.chem-ph', 'Chemical Physics'), ('physics.class-ph', 'Classical Physics'), ('physics.comp-ph', 'Computational Physics'), ('', 'Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability'), ('physics.ed-ph', 'Physics Education'), ('physics.flu-dyn', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('physics.gen-ph', 'General Physics'), ('physics.geo-ph', 'Geophysics'), ('physics.hist-ph', 'History and Philosophy of Physics'), ('physics.ins-det', 'Instrumentation and Detectors'), ('', 'Medical Physics'), ('physics.optics', 'Optics'), ('physics.plasm-ph', 'Plasma Physics'), ('physics.pop-ph', 'Popular Physics'), ('physics.soc-ph', 'Physics and Society'), ('', 'Space Physics')]), ('Quantitative Biology', [('q-bio.BM', 'Biomolecules'), ('q-bio.CB', 'Cell Behavior'), ('q-bio.GN', 'Genomics'), ('q-bio.MN', 'Molecular Networks'), ('q-bio.NC', 'Neurons and Cognition'), ('q-bio.OT', 'Other Quantitative Biology'), ('q-bio.PE', 'Populations and Evolution'), ('q-bio.QM', 'Quantitative Methods'), ('q-bio.SC', 'Subcellular Processes'), ('q-bio.TO', 'Tissues and Organs')]), ('Quantitative Finance', [('q-fin.CP', 'Computational Finance'), ('q-fin.EC', 'Economics'), ('q-fin.GN', 'General Finance'), ('q-fin.MF', 'Mathematical Finance'), ('q-fin.PM', 'Portfolio Management'), ('q-fin.PR', 'Pricing of Securities'), ('q-fin.RM', 'Risk Management'), ('q-fin.ST', 'Statistical Finance'), ('q-fin.TR', 'Trading and Market Microstructure')]), ('Quantum Physics', [('quant-ph', 'Quantum Physics')]), ('Statistics', [('stat.AP', 'Applications'), ('stat.CO', 'Computation'), ('stat.ME', 'Methodology'), ('stat.ML', 'Machine Learning'), ('stat.OT', 'Other Statistics'), ('stat.TH', 'Statistics Theory')]), ('Test', [])], 'default': ''})>
forename = <UnboundField(StringField, ('First or given name',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.Length object>, <wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>]})>
classmethod from_domain(user)[source]

Instantiate this form with data from a domain object.

Return type:ProfileForm
groups = <UnboundField(MultiCheckboxField, ('Group(s) to which you would like to submit',), {'choices': [('grp_physics', 'Physics'), ('grp_math', 'Mathematics'), ('grp_q-bio', 'Quantitative Biology'), ('grp_cs', 'Computer Science'), ('grp_q-fin', 'Quantitative Finance'), ('grp_stat', 'Statistics'), ('grp_eess', 'Electrical Engineering and Systems Science'), ('grp_econ', 'Economics')], 'default': ''})>
remember_me = <UnboundField(BooleanField, ('Have your browser remember who you are?',), {'default': True})>
status = <UnboundField(SelectField, ('Academic Status',), {'choices': [('', ''), ('1', 'Staff'), ('2', 'Professor'), ('3', 'Post doc'), ('4', 'Grad student'), ('5', 'Other')], 'validators': [<wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>]})>
suffix = <UnboundField(StringField, ('Suffix',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.Length object>]})>
surname = <UnboundField(StringField, ('Last or family name',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.Length object>, <wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>]})>

Generate a User from this form’s data.

Return type:User
url = <UnboundField(StringField, ('Your homepage URL',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.Optional object>, <wtforms.validators.Length object>, <wtforms.validators.URL object>]})>
user_id = <UnboundField(HiddenField, ('User ID',), {})>
class accounts.controllers.registration.RegistrationForm(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: wtforms.form.Form

User registration form.

captcha_token = <UnboundField(HiddenField, (), {})>
captcha_value = <UnboundField(StringField, ('Are you a robot?',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>], 'description': 'Please enter the text that you see in the image above'})>
configure_captcha(captcha_secret, ip)[source]

Set configuration details for the stateless_captcha.

Return type:None
email = <UnboundField(StringField, ('Email address',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.Email object>, <wtforms.validators.Length object>, <wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>], 'description': "You must be able to receive mail at this address. We take <a href=''> strong measures</a> to protect your email address from viruses and spam. Do not enter an e-mail address that belongs to someone else: if we discover that you've done so, we will suspend your account."})>
classmethod from_domain(user)[source]

Instantiate this form with data from a domain object.

Return type:RegistrationForm
password = <UnboundField(PasswordField, ('Password',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.Length object>, <wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>], 'description': 'Please choose a password that is between 8 and 20 characters in length. Longer passwords are more secure. You may use alphanumeric characters, as well as <code>* @ # $ ! ? %</code>.'})>
password2 = <UnboundField(PasswordField, ('Re-enter password',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.Length object>, <wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>], 'description': 'Your passwords must match.'})>

Generate a User from this form’s data.

Return type:User
username = <UnboundField(StringField, ('Username',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.Length object>, <wtforms.validators.DataRequired object>], 'description': 'Please choose a username between 5 and 20 characters in length.'})>

Check the captcha value against the captcha token.

Return type:None

Ensure that the email address is unique.

Return type:None

Verify that the password is the same in both fields.

Return type:None

Ensure that the username is unique.

Return type:None
accounts.controllers.registration.edit_profile(method, user_id, session, params=None, ip=None)[source]

Handle requests to update a user’s profile.

Return type:Tuple[dict, int, dict]
accounts.controllers.registration.register(method, params, captcha_secret, ip, next_page)[source]

Handle requests for the registration view.

Return type:Tuple[dict, int, dict]
accounts.controllers.registration.view_profile(user_id, session)[source]

Handle requests to view a user’s profile.

Return type:Tuple[dict, int, dict]