Meta-documentation: How to create documentation

This guide shows:

  1. Adding Sphinx and extensions to a Pipfile.

  2. Configuring docs using sphinx-quickstart.

  3. Testing Sphinx.

  4. Creating auto-doc stubs.

  5. Configuring GitHub pages.

Adding Sphinx to the Pipfile

Add the following to the Pipfile’s [dev-packages] section:

sphinx = "*"
sphinx-autodoc-typehints = "*"

Install Sphinx to the pipenv:

pipenv install --dev

Add the docs/_build directory to the .gitignore:


Make and change to a docs directory:

mkdir docs
cd docs

Configuring Sphinx:

Execute "pipenv run sphinx-quickstart" from your project's "docs" directory and use the defaults except:
    Separate source and build directories: NO
    Project name: Enter your project name (e.g., arXiv Compilation Service)
    Author name(s): arXiv-NG Team
    Project release: 0.1 (or whatever your version number is
    autodoc: y
    intersphinx: y
    coverage: y
    viewcode: y
    githubpages: y
    Create Makefile? y

git add Makefile index.rst

git commit -m "initial sphinx commit"

git status should then show a clean working tree.

Testing Sphinx

Since the docs necessitate access to the packages to generate documentation, you must run it with the pipenv activated. There are ways to run the commands with pipenv run but the relative paths can get messed up.

I prefer to use the following method:

pipenv shell
cd docs
make html

After this, the docs should be created. in the _build folder. Open “docs/_build/index.html” to see what it made.

Creating auto-doc stubs

For each module you will create an rst file containing the automod declarations.

For example, with arxiv-compiler, I would create a file “compiler.domain.rst”.

compiler.domain module

.. automodule:: compiler.domain

After creating this file, I add it to the index.rst so it builds.

.. arXiv Compilation Service documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Mon Oct 15 16:35:18 2018.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.

Welcome to arXiv Compilation Service's documentation!

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:


Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

If you have an issue with ModuleNotFoundError, then the paths in the need to be changed. Add the following to the top of docs/
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))

Configuring GitHub pages

GitHub Pages integration requires creating a new “orphan” branch that does not have the history of the rest of the project. This branch is called “gh-pages”. The logistics of maintaining an active development environment and this totally detached gh-pages branch is complicated, especially if you have untracked files or files that are explicitly in the .gitignore of the code branches.

In order to manage the complications of the gh-pages branch, the following bash script can be used to initialize or update documentation on GitHub Pages.

Two configuration settings should be changed:

  1. The REPO parameter

  2. Double check that SRCDOCS reflects your project structure (some use pwd/docs/build rather than pwd/docs/_build)

The script should be run from your development copy’s repository root (same level as Before running, activate your pipenv shell:

pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell

cd `pwd`/docs
make html

MSG="Adding gh-pages docs for `git log -1 --pretty=short --abbrev-commit`"

rm -rf $TMPREPO
mkdir -p -m 0755 $TMPREPO
echo $MSG

git clone$REPO.git $TMPREPO

## checkout the branch if it exists, if not then create it and detach it from the history
if ! git checkout gh-pages; then
    git checkout --orphan gh-pages
    git rm -rf .
    touch .nojekyll
    git add .nojekyll
    git checkout gh-pages  ###gh-pages has previously one off been set to be nothing but html

git add -A
git commit -m "$MSG" && git push origin gh-pages