Search Interface **************** The current version of the arXiv search application is designed to meet the goals outlined in arXiv-NG milestone H1: Replace Legacy Search. - H1.1. Replace the current advanced search interface, search results, and search by author name. - H1.2. The search result view should support pagination, and ordering by publication date or relevance. - H1.3. An indexing agent updates the search index at publication time in response to a Kinesis notification, using metadata from the docmeta endpoint in the classic system. Key Requirements ================ - Simple search: - Users should be able to search for arXiv papers by title, author, and abstract. - Searches can originate from any part of the site, via the search bar in the site header. - Advanced search: - Users can search for papers using boolean combinations of search terms on title, author names, and/or abstract. - Users can filter results by primary classification, and submission date. - Submission date supports prior year, specific year, and date range. - Author name search: - Users should be able to search for papers by author name. - This should support queries originating on the abs page, and in search results. - UI: The overall flavor of the search views should be substantially similar to the classic views, but with styling that improves readability, usability, and accessibility. Quality Goals ============= - Code quality: - 90% test coverage on Python components that we develop/control. - Linting: ``pylint`` passes with >= 9/10. - Documentation: ``pydocstyle`` passes. - Static checking: ``mypy`` passes. - Performance & reliability: - Response time: 99% of requests have a latency of 1 second or less. - Error rate: parity with classic search. - Request rate: support request volume of existing search * safety factor 3. - Accessibility: meet or exceed WCAG 2.0 level A for accessibility. Constraints =========== - Must be implemented in Python/Flask, and be deployable behind Apache as a Python/WSGI application. - The search application itself must be stateless. It must be able to connect to an arbitrary ElasticSearch cluster, which can be specified via configuration. - Notifications about new content are delivered via the Kinesis notification broker.