Submission & announcement process ********************************* This section describes the classic arXiv submission and announcement process at a high level. Submissions & states -------------------- An arXiv submission is comprised of a source package and a collection of procedural and descriptive metadata. The source package is usually comprised of a scientific paper (generally in LaTeX) and auxiliary resources (e.g. images, tables, errata); see :ref:`supported-source-formats`. The primary objectives of the arXiv submission system are rapid dissemination of scientific findings, and to support QA/QC workflows for arXiv's volunteer moderators and the operations team. For a glimpse into how arXiv submissions are processed on a daily basis, see `this recent blog post `_. In support of rapid dissemination, a core requirement for the submission system is that the daily announcement process should continue even in the absence of human intervention. In other words, if the moderation and operations teams were disbanded tomorrow, arXiv would continue to accept and disseminate e-prints as usual. At any given time, a submission will be in one of the states described below. .. note:: It should be noted that in the arXiv-NG submission system these states are defined in terms of the the data that describes the submission, **not** by a flag in the database. .. _figure-submission-states: .. figure:: _static/diagrams/submissionState.png State transitions for arXiv submissions. Working When the submission process is initiated, it generally lacks some of the (meta)data and/or content required for announcement. For example, the submission process may be initiated by sending preliminary information for only a few metadata fields, leaving the submission source package to be uploaded separately. Several users and/or API clients may be involved in contributing information about the submission. The source package must compile to a usable PDF before a submission can leave the working state. Processing Once a submission is finalized (ready for announcement), it is subject to a handful of automated QA/QC checks. For example, we need to be able to extract plain text content from the compiled paper for subsequent checks. Depending on the results of those checks, the submission may be bounced back to the working state to correct problems. Generally, a submission remains in the processing state for a very short period of time (seconds or minutes). Submitted If the preliminary checks pass, the submission is considered to be in the submitted state. Automated checks for technical issues may also be applied while the submission is in this state, and members of the moderation and operations teams may inspect the paper for quality or to address issues flagged by the technical checks. If a moderation flag is applied to the submission during this process, the submission transitions to the **On Hold** state (below). If no moderation or administrative flags are raised on the submission, the submission will automatically transition to the **Scheduled** state (below) at one of two cutoff times. On Hold A submission in this state has been flagged by a moderator or by an automated QA/QC process for potential problems. Submissions in this state are usually inspected by the operations team, who may reach out to the submission owner. If and when the issues with the submission are resolved, an administrator will remove the blocking flags from the submission, and the submission will return to the **Submitted** state. Scheduled Any submissions in the **Submitted** state at the announcement cut-off time (currently 2PM ET) will be automatically scheduled for announcement on the same day (currently 8PM ET). Any remaining submissions in the **Submitted** state at the next-day cutoff (currently 8PM ET) will be scheduled for announcement on the following day. Announced The automated announcement process runs daily, currently at 8PM ET. Any submissions scheduled for the current day will be updated with their arXiv ID and version, and an announcement timestamp. At that time, the submission is considered **Announced**. No further changes may be made to a submission in this state.