Source code for compiler.compiler

Dispatching and execution of compilation tasks.

Parameters supported by autotex "converter" image::

     -C cache directory [defaults to paper/format specific directory in PS_CACHE]
     -D pass through for -D dvips flag
     -f output format, only sensible use is -f fInm for pdf generation
     -u add a psmapfile to dvips command "-u +psmapfile"
     -h print usage
     -k do not delete temporary directory
     -P pass through for -P dvips flag
     -p id of paper to process (pre 2007 archive/papernum or new numerical id
        yymm.\\d{4,5}) (required!)
     -d id to use for decrytion (overrides default to -p id)
     -s do not add stamp to PostScript
     -t pass through for -t dvips flag (letter, legal, ledger, a4, a3, landscape)
     -v verbose logging, that is, print log messages to STDOUT
        (they are always logged to auto_gen_ps.log)
     -q quiet - don't send emails to tex_admin (not the inverse of verbose!)
     -W working directory [defaults to paper/version specific dir in PS_GEN_TMP]
     -X cache DVI file (default: no)
     -Y don't copy PostScript or PDF to cache
     -Z don't gzip PostScript before moving to cache
     -T override the default AUTOTEX_TIMEOUT setting with user value

We're going to use:

- ``-f`` output format, only sensible use is -f fInm for pdf generation (fInm,
  dvi, ps)
- ``-p`` id of paper to process (pre 2007 archive/papernum or new numerical id
  yymm.\\d{4,5}) (required!)
- ``-s`` do not add stamp to PostScript
- ``-T`` override the default AUTOTEX_TIMEOUT setting with user value
- ``-u`` add a psmapfile to dvips command "-u +psmapfile"
- ``-P`` pass through for -P dvips flag
- ``-t`` pass through for -t dvips flag (letter, legal, ledger, a4, a3, landscape)
- ``-D`` pass through for -D dvips flag
- ``-d`` id to use for decrytion (overrides default to -p id)

Always do this:

- ``-q`` quiet - don't send emails to tex_admin (not the inverse of verbose!)
- ``-Y`` don't copy PostScript or PDF to cache


import os
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Callable, Any, Mapping, \
from functools import wraps
from itertools import chain
import subprocess
import tarfile
import shutil
import tempfile
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

from flask import current_app

from celery.result import AsyncResult
from celery.signals import after_task_publish

from arxiv.base import logging
from arxiv.integration.api import exceptions

from celery.task.control import inspect
from .celery import celery_app
from .domain import Product, Task, Format, Status, \
    SourcePackage, Reason
from .services import Store
from .services import FileManager

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ProcessResult = Tuple[int, str, str]

[docs]class NoSuchTask(RuntimeError): """A request was made for a non-existant task."""
[docs]class TaskCreationFailed(RuntimeError): """An extraction task could not be created."""
[docs]class CorruptedSource(RuntimeError): """The source content is corrupted."""
[docs]class AuthorizationFailed(RuntimeError): """The request was not authorized."""
[docs]def is_available() -> bool: """Verify that we can start compilations.""" logger.debug('check connection to task queue') try: do_nothing.apply_async() except Exception: logger.debug('could not connect to task queue') return False logger.debug('connection to task queue ok') return True
[docs]def start_compilation(source_id: str, checksum: str, stamp_label: Optional[str] = None, stamp_link: Optional[str] = None, output_format: Format = Format.PDF, preferred_compiler: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, owner: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Create a new compilation task. Parameters ---------- source_id : str Unique identifier for the source being compiled. checksum : str The checksum for the source package. This is used to differentiate compilation tasks. output_format: Format The desired output format. Default: Format.PDF. preferred_compiler : str Returns ------- str The identifier for the created compilation task. """ task_id = _get_task_id(source_id, checksum, output_format) try: do_compile.apply_async( (source_id, checksum), {'output_format': output_format.value, 'stamp_label': stamp_label, 'stamp_link': stamp_link, 'preferred_compiler': preferred_compiler, 'token': token, 'owner': owner}, task_id=task_id )'compile: started processing as %s' % task_id) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to create task: %s', e) raise TaskCreationFailed('Failed to create task: %s', e) from e store = Store.current_session() store.set_status(Task(source_id=source_id, checksum=checksum, output_format=output_format, status=Status.IN_PROGRESS, task_id=task_id, owner=owner)) return task_id
def _get_task_kwargs(task_id: str) -> dict: i = inspect() for t in chain(, i.reserved(), i.scheduled()): if i['id'] == task_id: kwargs: dict = i['kwargs'] return kwargs raise RuntimeError('Task not found')
[docs]def get_task(source_id: str, checksum: str, output_format: Format = Format.PDF) -> Task: """ Get the status of an extraction task. Parameters ---------- source_id : str Unique identifier for the source being compiled. checksum : str The checksum for the source package. This is used to differentiate compilation tasks. output_format: Format The desired output format. Default: Format.PDF. Returns ------- :class:`Task` """ task_id = _get_task_id(source_id, checksum, output_format) result = do_compile.AsyncResult(task_id) task_status = Status.IN_PROGRESS owner: Optional[str] = None reason = Reason.NONE if result.status == 'PENDING': raise NoSuchTask(f'No such task: {task_id}') elif result.status in ['SENT', 'STARTED', 'RETRY']: task_status = Status.IN_PROGRESS elif result.status == 'FAILURE': task_status = Status.FAILED elif result.status == 'SUCCESS': _result: Dict[str, str] = result.result if 'status' in _result: task_status = Status(_result['status']) else: task_status = Status.COMPLETED reason = Reason(_result.get('reason')) if 'owner' in _result: owner = _result['owner'] return Task(source_id=source_id, checksum=checksum, output_format=output_format, task_id=task_id, status=task_status, reason=reason, owner=owner)
[docs]@after_task_publish.connect def update_sent_state(sender: Optional[Hashable] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping] = None, body: Optional[Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Set state to SENT, so that we can tell whether a task exists.""" task = celery_app.tasks.get(sender) backend = task.backend if task else celery_app.backend if headers is not None: backend.store_result(headers['id'], None, "SENT")
@celery_app.task def do_nothing() -> None: """Dummy task used to check the connection to the queue.""" return @celery_app.task def do_compile(source_id: str, checksum: str, stamp_label: Optional[str], stamp_link: Optional[str], output_format: str = 'pdf', preferred_compiler: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, owner: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """ Retrieve a source package, compile to something, and store the result. Executed by the async worker on a completely separate machine (let's assume) from the compiler web service API. Parameters ---------- source_id: str Required. The upload to retrieve. checksum : str The checksum for the source package. This is used to differentiate compilation tasks. output_format: str The desired output format. Default: "pdf". Other potential values: "dvi", "html", "ps" preferred_compiler: str The preferred tex compiler for use with the source package. Not supported. token : str Auth token to pass with subrequests to backend services. """ logger.debug("do compile for %s @ %s to %s", source_id, checksum, output_format) fm = FileManager.current_session() container_source_root = current_app.config['CONTAINER_SOURCE_ROOT'] verbose = current_app.config['VERBOSE_COMPILE'] source_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=container_source_root) task_id = _get_task_id(source_id, checksum, Format(output_format)) out_path: Optional[str] = None log_path: Optional[str] = None size_bytes = 0 stat = None try: source = fm.get_source_content(source_id, token, save_to=source_dir) logger.debug(f"{source_id} etag: {source.etag}") except (exceptions.RequestUnauthorized, exceptions.RequestForbidden): description = "There was a problem authorizing your request." stat = Task(status=Status.FAILED, reason=Reason.AUTHORIZATION, description=description, source_id=source_id, output_format=Format(output_format), checksum=checksum, task_id=task_id, owner=owner, size_bytes=size_bytes) except exceptions.ConnectionFailed: description = "There was a problem retrieving your source files." stat = Task(status=Status.FAILED, reason=Reason.NETWORK, description=description, source_id=source_id, output_format=Format(output_format), checksum=checksum, task_id=task_id, owner=owner, size_bytes=size_bytes) except exceptions.NotFound: description = 'Could not retrieve a matching source package' stat = Task(status=Status.FAILED, reason=Reason.MISSING, description=description, source_id=source_id, output_format=Format(output_format), checksum=checksum, task_id=task_id, owner=owner, size_bytes=size_bytes) """ if source.etag != checksum: logger.debug('source: %s; expected: %s', source.etag, checksum) reason = 'Source etag does not match requested etag' stat = Task(status=Status.FAILED, reason=reason, **status) return stat.to_dict() """ # 2. Generate the compiled files if not stat: try: out_path, log_path = _run(source, stamp_label=stamp_label, stamp_link=stamp_link, output_format=Format(output_format), verbose=verbose) if out_path is not None: size_bytes = _file_size(out_path) except CorruptedSource: stat = Task(status=Status.FAILED, reason=Reason.CORRUPTED, source_id=source_id, output_format=Format(output_format), checksum=checksum, task_id=task_id, owner=owner, size_bytes=size_bytes) if not stat: if out_path is not None: stat = Task(status=Status.COMPLETED, source_id=source_id, output_format=Format(output_format), checksum=checksum, task_id=task_id, owner=owner, size_bytes=size_bytes) else: stat = Task(status=Status.FAILED, reason=Reason.ERROR, source_id=source_id, output_format=Format(output_format), checksum=checksum, task_id=task_id, owner=owner, size_bytes=size_bytes) # Store the result. try: _store_compilation_result(stat, out_path, log_path) except RuntimeError as e: stat = Task(status=Status.FAILED, reason=Reason.STORAGE, description=str(e), source_id=source_id, output_format=Format(output_format), checksum=checksum, task_id=task_id, owner=owner, size_bytes=size_bytes) # Clean up! try: shutil.rmtree(source_dir) logger.debug('Cleaned up %s', source_dir) except Exception as e: logger.error('Could not clean up %s: %s', source_dir, e) return stat.to_dict() def _store_compilation_result(status: Task, out_path: Optional[str], log_path: Optional[str]) -> None: """Store the status and output (including log) of compilation.""" logger.debug('_store_compilation_result: %s %s', out_path, log_path) store = Store.current_session() if out_path is not None: try: with open(out_path, 'rb') as f:, task=status)) except Exception as e: # TODO: look at exceptions in object store. raise RuntimeError('Failed to store result') from e if log_path is not None: try: with open(log_path, 'rb') as f: store.store_log(Product(stream=f, task=status)) except Exception as e: # TODO: look at exceptions in object store. raise RuntimeError('Failed to store result') from e store.set_status(status) logger.debug('_store_compilation_result: ok') # TODO: use ``docker`` Python API instead of subprocess. # TODO: rename []_dvips_flag parameters when we figure out what they mean. # TODO: can we get rid of any of these? def _run(source: SourcePackage, stamp_label: Optional[str], stamp_link: Optional[str], output_format: Format = Format.PDF, add_stamp: bool = True, timeout: int = 600, add_psmapfile: bool = False, P_dvips_flag: bool = False, dvips_layout: str = 'letter', D_dvips_flag: bool = False, id_for_decryption: Optional[str] = None, tex_tree_timestamp: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = True) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """Compile a TeX source package.""" # We need the path to the directory container the source package on the # host machine, so that we can correctly mount the volume in the # converter container. We are assuming that the image is not running in # the same container as this worker application. source_dir, fname = os.path.split(source.path) image = current_app.config['CONVERTER_DOCKER_IMAGE'] host_source_root = current_app.config['HOST_SOURCE_ROOT'] container_source_root = current_app.config['CONTAINER_SOURCE_ROOT'] leaf_path = source_dir.split(container_source_root, 1)[1].strip('/') host_source_dir = os.path.join(host_source_root, leaf_path) out_path: Optional[str] options = [ (True, '-S /autotex'), (True, f'-p {source.source_id}'), (True, f'-f {output_format.value}'), # Doesn't do what it seems. (stamp_label is not None, f'-l "{stamp_label}"'), (stamp_link is not None, f'-L "{stamp_link}"'), (True, f'-T {timeout}'), (True, f'-t {dvips_layout}'), (True, '-q'), (verbose, '-v'), (not add_stamp, '-s'), (add_psmapfile, '-u'), (P_dvips_flag, '-P'), (id_for_decryption is not None, f'-d {id_for_decryption}'), (tex_tree_timestamp is not None, f'-U {tex_tree_timestamp}') ] args = [arg for opt, arg in options if opt] logger.debug('run image %s with args %s', image, args) code, stdout, stderr = run_docker(image, args=args, volumes=[(host_source_dir, '/autotex')]) # TODO: not sure about this. # if "Removing leading `/' from member names" in stderr: # raise CorruptedSource("Source package has member with absolute path") # Now we have to figure out what went right or wrong. ext = Format(output_format).ext cache = os.path.join(source_dir, 'tex_cache') try: # The converter image has some heuristics for naming (e.g. adding a # version affix). But at the end of the day there should be only one # file in the format that we requested, so that's as specific as we # should need to be. cache_results = [f for f in os.listdir(cache) if f.endswith(f'.{ext}')] oname = cache_results[0] out_path = os.path.join(cache, oname) except IndexError: # The expected output isn't here. # Normally I'd prefer to raise an exception if the compilation failed, # but we still have work to do. out_path = None # There are all kinds of ways in which compilation can fail. In many cases, # we'll have log output even if the compilation failed, and we don't want # to ignore that output. tex_log_path = os.path.join(source_dir, 'tex_logs', 'autotex.log') # Sometimes the log file does not get written, in which case we can fall # back to the stdout from the converter subprocess. if not os.path.exists(tex_log_path): log_dir = os.path.split(tex_log_path)[0] if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) with open(tex_log_path, 'w') as f: f.write(stdout) return out_path, tex_log_path
[docs]def run_docker(image: str, volumes: list = [], ports: list = [], args: List[str] = [], daemon: bool = False) -> ProcessResult: """ Run a generic docker image. In our uses, we wish to set the userid to that of running process (getuid) by default. Additionally, we do not expose any ports for running services making this a rather simple function. Parameters ---------- image : str Name of the docker image in the format 'repository/name:tag' volumes : list of tuple of str List of volumes to mount in the format [host_dir, container_dir]. args : str Arguments to the image's run cmd (set by Dockerfile CMD) daemon : boolean If True, launches the task to be run forever Returns ------- int Compilation exit code. str STDOUT from compilation. str STDERR from compilation. """ # we are only running strings formatted by us, so let's build the command # then split it so that it can be run by subprocess # opt_user = '-u {}'.format(os.getuid()) opt_volumes = ' '.join(['-v {}:{}'.format(hd, cd) for hd, cd in volumes]) opt_ports = ' '.join(['-p {}:{}'.format(hp, cp) for hp, cp in ports]) cmd = 'docker run --rm {} {} {} /bin/ {}'.format( opt_ports, opt_volumes, image, ' '.join(args) ) logger.debug('Full compile command: %s', cmd) result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) logger.error('Docker exited with %i', result.returncode) logger.error('STDOUT: %s', result.stdout) logger.error('STDERR: %s', result.stderr) return (result.returncode, result.stdout.decode('utf-8'), result.stderr.decode('utf-8'))
def _get_task_id(source_id: str, checksum: str, output_format: Format) -> str: """Generate a key for a source_id/checksum/format combination.""" return f"{source_id}/{checksum}/{output_format.value}" def _file_size(path: str) -> int: return os.path.getsize(path)