This section provides a high-level overview of the compilation service, including its context within the arXiv software system, the primary containers by which the service is comprised, and the main functional components within those containers.
The compilation service encapsulates the core TeX compilation functionality of the arXiv system. This functionality is leveraged in four contexts:
Compilation of submission content (TeX, PS) to PDF during the submission process so that the submitter can preview their e-print as it will appear on arXiv.
Providing compiled PDFs during moderation, to facilitate quality assurance checks and moderator review.
Compilation of PDF, PS, DVI, and other derived formats at announcement time, to be included in the canonical record and distributed via the public website.
Compilation of sources provided by API consumers, e.g. for overlay journals or authoring platforms to validate compatibility with arXiv and/or provide previews to authors.
The current implementation of the compiler service focuses on the first two contexts, specifically on PDF outputs.
The third context (announcement) will be supported during later milestones of the arXiv-NG project.
The fourth context is currently aspirational.
The compilation service is deployed as three containers:
The compiler API, a Flask WSGI application that handles requests for compilation, dispatches compilation tasks to the worker, and provides access to compiled products and logs.
The compiler worker, a Celery application that handles compilation tasks by retrieving source content, executing the [converter](, and storing the resultant products and logs.
A Docker-in-Docker (DinD) container, within which the converter image is executed. The DinD exposes its API to the compiler worker.
The API and worker containers rely on two infrastructure services:
A Redis cluster used as a task queue and result backend, typically shared within a deployment namespace.
S3 bucket(s) for storing compilation products and logs.
The API and worker containers are composed from the same set of components,
the compiler
package. This package follows the patterns described
in Services in arXiv NG.
provides the core concepts and data structures for the
compiler service.
provides the create_app()
factory for generating
the compiler API WSGI application.
provides the API blueprint.
API request controllers can be found in compiler.controllers
Two service integration modules can be found in
provides integration with the filemanager service, to retrieve source content for
provides integration with the S3 buckets used to store compilation products and logs.
Dispatching and execution of compilation tasks is implemented in