compiler.celeryconfig module

Celery configuration module.

See the celery docs.

compiler.celeryconfig.REDIS_ENDPOINT = None

Hostname of the Redis cluster endpoint.

compiler.celeryconfig.broker_url = 'redis://None:6379/0'

URI for the Redis cluster endpoint used for task queue.

compiler.celeryconfig.result_backend = 'redis://None:6379/0'

URI for the Redis cluster endpoint used as a result backend.

compiler.celeryconfig.task_acks_late = True

Tasks are not acknowledged until they are finished.

This is intended to provide durability in cases where the worker disappears in the middle of processing a task. The goal is that a task is performed to completion once.

compiler.celeryconfig.worker_prefetch_multiplier = 1

Don’t let workers grab a whole bunch of tasks at once.