Source code for search.agent

The search agent is responsible for updating the index as papers are published.

The agent consumes notifications on the ``MetadataIsAvailable`` stream. For
each notification, the agent retrieves metadata for the most recent version of
the indicated paper from the :mod:`` service. The agent
also retrieves metadata for earlier versions, if there are multiple versions
available. Each version is passed to the :mod:`` service,
and becomes available for discovery via :mod:`search.routes.ui`.
from typing import Optional

from flask import current_app as app

from arxiv.base import agent
from .consumer import MetadataRecordProcessor, DocumentFailed, IndexingFailed

[docs]def process_stream(duration: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Configure and run the record processor. Parameters ---------- duration : int Time (in seconds) to run record processing. If None (default), will run "forever". """ # We use the Flask application instance for configuration, and to manage # integrations with metadata service, search index. agent.process_stream(MetadataRecordProcessor, app.config, duration=duration)