Source code for search.controllers

Houses controllers for search.

Each controller corresponds to a distinct search feature with its own request
handling logic. Each controller API exposes a ``search()`` function that
accepts a set of request parameters (``dict``-like) and returns a 3-tuple
of response data (``dict``), status code (``int``), and extra response headers
from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any
from arxiv import status
from import index
from search.domain import SimpleQuery

[docs]def health_check() -> Tuple[str, int, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Exercise the connection with the search index with a real query. Returns ------- dict Search result response data. int HTTP status code. dict Headers to add to the response. """ try: documentset = SimpleQuery( # type: ignore search_field='all', value='theory' ) ) except Exception as e: return 'DOWN', status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, {} if documentset.results: return 'OK', status.HTTP_200_OK, {} return 'DOWN', status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, {}