Source code for search.domain.advanced

"""Represents fielded search terms, with multiple operators."""

from .base import DateRange, Query, ClassificationList

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional

[docs]@dataclass class FieldedSearchTerm: """Represents a fielded search term.""" operator: str field: str term: str def __str__(self) -> str: """Build a string representation, for use in rendering.""" return f'{self.operator} {self.field}={self.term}'
[docs]class FieldedSearchList(list): """Represents a list of fielded search terms.""" def __str__(self) -> str: """Build a string representation, for use in rendering.""" return '; '.join([str(item) for item in self])
[docs]@dataclass class AdvancedQuery(Query): """ Represents an advanced query. An advanced query contains fielded search terms and boolean operators. """ SUPPORTED_FIELDS = [ ('title', 'Title'), ('author', 'Author(s)'), ('abstract', 'Abstract'), ('comments', 'Comments'), ('journal_ref', 'Journal reference'), ('acm_class', 'ACM classification'), ('msc_class', 'MSC classification'), ('report_num', 'Report number'), ('paper_id', 'arXiv identifier'), ('cross_list_category', 'Cross-list category'), ('doi', 'DOI'), ('orcid', 'ORCID'), ('author_id', 'arXiv author ID'), ('all', 'All fields') ] date_range: Optional[DateRange] = None classification: ClassificationList = field( default_factory=ClassificationList ) """Classification(s) by which to limit results.""" include_cross_list: bool = field(default=True) """If True, secondaries are considered when limiting by classification.""" terms: FieldedSearchList = field(default_factory=FieldedSearchList)