Source code for

"""Supports the advanced search feature."""

from typing import Any, Union

from functools import reduce, wraps
from operator import ior, iand

from elasticsearch_dsl import Search, Q, SF
from elasticsearch_dsl.query import Range, Match, Bool

from search.domain import AdvancedQuery, Classification

from .prepare import SEARCH_FIELDS, limit_by_classification
from .util import sort

def _date_range(q: AdvancedQuery) -> Range:
    """Generate a query part for a date range."""
    if not q.date_range:
        return Q()
    params = {}
    if q.date_range.date_type == q.date_range.ANNOUNCED:
        fmt = '%Y-%m'
        fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'
    if q.date_range.start_date:
        params["gte"] = q.date_range.start_date.strftime(fmt)
    if q.date_range.end_date:
        params["lt"] = q.date_range.end_date.strftime(fmt)
    return Q('range', **{q.date_range.date_type: params})

def _grouped_terms_to_q(term_pair: tuple) -> Q:
    """Generate a :class:`.Q` from grouped terms."""
    term_a_raw, operator, term_b_raw = term_pair

    if type(term_a_raw) is tuple:
        term_a = _grouped_terms_to_q(term_a_raw)
        term_a = SEARCH_FIELDS[term_a_raw.field](term_a_raw.term)

    if type(term_b_raw) is tuple:
        term_b = _grouped_terms_to_q(term_b_raw)
        term_b = SEARCH_FIELDS[term_b_raw.field](term_b_raw.term)

    if operator == 'OR':
        return term_a | term_b
    elif operator == 'AND':
        return term_a & term_b
    elif operator == 'NOT':
        return term_a & ~term_b
        # TODO: Confirm proper exception.
        raise TypeError("Invalid operator for terms")

def _get_operator(obj: Any) -> str:
    if type(obj) is tuple:
        return _get_operator(obj[0])
    return obj.operator     # type: ignore

def _group_terms(query: AdvancedQuery) -> tuple:
    """Group fielded search terms into a set of nested tuples."""
    terms = query.terms[:]
    for operator in ['NOT', 'AND', 'OR']:
        i = 0
        while i < len(terms) - 1:
            if _get_operator(terms[i+1]) == operator:
                terms[i] = (terms[i], operator, terms[i+1])
                i -= 1
            i += 1
    assert len(terms) == 1
    return terms[0]     # type: ignore

def _fielded_terms_to_q(query: AdvancedQuery) -> Match:
    if len(query.terms) == 1:
        return SEARCH_FIELDS[query.terms[0].field](query.terms[0].term)
    elif len(query.terms) > 1:
        return _grouped_terms_to_q(_group_terms(query))
    return Q('match_all')