Source code for

Provides acces to paper metadata from the core arXiv repository.

The primary entrypoint to this module is :func:`.retrieve`, which retrieves
:class:`.DocMeta` for a published arXiv paper.

:class:`.DocMetaSession` encapsulates configuration parameters and a connection
to the docmeta endpoint(s) for thread-safety and efficiency. The functions
mentioned above load the appropriate instance of :class:`.DocMetaSession`
depending on the context of the request.

from typing import Dict, List

import os
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import json
from itertools import cycle
from functools import wraps

import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from arxiv import status
from search.context import get_application_config, get_application_global
from arxiv.base import logging
from search.domain import DocMeta

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RequestFailed(IOError): """The metadata endpoint returned an unexpected status code."""
[docs]class ConnectionFailed(IOError): """Could not connect to the metadata service."""
[docs]class SecurityException(ConnectionFailed): """Raised when SSL connection fails."""
[docs]class BadResponse(IOError): """The response from the metadata service was malformed."""
[docs]class DocMetaSession(object): """An HTTP session with the docmeta endpoint.""" def __init__(self, *endpoints: str, verify_cert: bool = True) -> None: """ Initialize an HTTP session. Parameters ---------- endpoints : str One or more endpoints for metadata retrieval. If more than one are provided, calls to :meth:`.retrieve` will cycle through those endpoints for each call. verify_cert : bool Whether or not SSL certificate verification should enforced. """ self._session = requests.Session() self._verify_cert = verify_cert self._retry = Retry( # type: ignore total=10, read=10, connect=10, status=10, backoff_factor=0.5 ) self._adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=self._retry) self._session.mount('https://', self._adapter) for endpoint in endpoints: if not endpoint[-1] == '/': endpoint += '/' logger.debug(f'New DocMeta session with endpoints {endpoints}') self._endpoints = cycle(endpoints) @property def endpoint(self) -> str: """Get a metadata endpoint.""" logger.debug('get next endpoint') return self._endpoints.__next__()
[docs] def retrieve(self, document_id: str) -> DocMeta: """ Retrieve metadata for an arXiv paper. Parameters ---------- document_id : str Returns ------- dict Raises ------ IOError ValueError """ if not document_id: # This could use further elaboration. raise ValueError('Invalid value for document_id') try: target = urljoin(self.endpoint, '/docmeta/') target = urljoin(target, document_id) logger.debug( f'{document_id}: retrieve metadata from {target} with SSL' f' verify {self._verify_cert}' ) response = requests.get(target, verify=self._verify_cert, headers={'User-Agent': 'arXiv/system'}) except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e: logger.error('SSLError: %s', e) raise SecurityException('SSL failed: %s' % e) from e except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: logger.error('ConnectionError: %s', e) raise ConnectionFailed( 'Could not connect to metadata service: %s' % e ) from e if response.status_code not in \ [status.HTTP_200_OK, status.HTTP_206_PARTIAL_CONTENT]: logger.error('Request failed: %s', response.content) raise RequestFailed( '%s: failed with %i: %s' % ( document_id, response.status_code, response.content ) ) logger.debug(f'{document_id}: response OK') try: data = DocMeta(**response.json()) # type: ignore # See except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: logger.error('JSONDecodeError: %s', e) raise BadResponse( '%s: could not decode response: %s' % (document_id, e) ) from e logger.debug(f'{document_id}: response decoded; done!') return data
[docs] def bulk_retrieve(self, document_ids: List[str]) -> List[DocMeta]: """ Retrieve metadata for an arXiv paper. Parameters ---------- document_ids : List[str] Returns ------- dict Raises ------ IOError ValueError """ if not document_ids: # This could use further elaboration. raise ValueError('Invalid value for document_ids') query_string = '/docmeta_bulk?' + '&'.join( f'id={document_id}' for document_id in document_ids ) try: target = urljoin(self.endpoint, query_string) logger.debug( f'{document_ids}: retrieve metadata from {target} with SSL' f' verify {self._verify_cert}' ) response = self._session.get(target, verify=self._verify_cert) except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e: logger.error('SSLError: %s', e) raise SecurityException('SSL failed: %s' % e) from e except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: logger.error('ConnectionError: %s', e) raise ConnectionFailed( 'Could not connect to metadata service: %s' % e ) from e if response.status_code not in \ [status.HTTP_200_OK, status.HTTP_206_PARTIAL_CONTENT]: logger.error('Request failed: %s', response.content) raise RequestFailed( '%s: failed with %i: %s' % ( document_ids, response.status_code, response.content ) ) logger.debug(f'{document_ids}: response OK') try: resp = response.json() # A list with metadata for each paper. data: List[DocMeta] data = [DocMeta(**value) for value in resp] # type: ignore except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: logger.error('JSONDecodeError: %s', e) raise BadResponse( '%s: could not decode response: %s' % (document_ids, e) ) from e logger.debug(f'{document_ids}: response decoded; done!') return data
[docs]def init_app(app: object = None) -> None: """Set default configuration parameters for an application instance.""" config = get_application_config(app) config.setdefault('METADATA_ENDPOINT', '') config.setdefault('METADATA_VERIFY_CERT', 'True')
[docs]def get_session(app: object = None) -> DocMetaSession: """Get a new session with the docmeta endpoint.""" config = get_application_config(app) endpoint = config.get('METADATA_ENDPOINT', '') verify_cert = bool(eval(config.get('METADATA_VERIFY_CERT', 'True'))) if ',' in endpoint: return DocMetaSession(*(endpoint.split(',')), verify_cert=verify_cert) return DocMetaSession(endpoint, verify_cert=verify_cert)
[docs]def current_session() -> DocMetaSession: """Get/create :class:`.DocMetaSession` for this context.""" g = get_application_global() if not g: return get_session() elif 'docmeta' not in g: g.docmeta = get_session() # type: ignore return g.docmeta # type: ignore
[docs]@wraps(DocMetaSession.retrieve) def retrieve(document_id: str) -> DocMeta: """Retrieve an arxiv document by id.""" return current_session().retrieve(document_id)
[docs]@wraps(DocMetaSession.bulk_retrieve) def bulk_retrieve(document_ids: List[str]) -> List[DocMeta]: """Retrieve an arxiv document by id.""" return current_session().bulk_retrieve(document_ids)