Source code for

"""Interface to the classic admin log."""

from typing import Optional, Iterable, Dict, Callable

from . import models, util
from ...domain.event import Event, UnFinalizeSubmission, AcceptProposal, \
    AddSecondaryClassification, AddMetadataFlag, AddContentFlag
from ...domain.annotation import ClassifierResults
from ...domain.submission import Submission
from ...domain.agent import Agent, System
from ...domain.flag import MetadataFlag, ContentFlag

[docs]def log_unfinalize(event: UnFinalizeSubmission, before: Submission, after: Submission) -> None: """Create a log entry when a user pulls their submission for changes.""" admin_log(event.creator.username, "unfinalize", "user has pulled submission for editing", username=event.creator.username, hostname=event.creator.hostname, submission_id=after.submission_id, paper_id=after.arxiv_id)
[docs]def log_accept_system_cross(event: AcceptProposal, before: Submission, after: Submission) -> None: """Create a log entry when a system cross is accepted.""" proposal = after.proposals[event.proposal_id] if type(event.creator) is System: if proposal.proposed_event_type is AddSecondaryClassification: category = proposal.proposed_event_data["category"] admin_log(event.creator.username, "admin comment", f"Added {category} as secondary: {event.comment}", username="system", submission_id=after.submission_id, paper_id=after.arxiv_id)
[docs]def log_stopwords(event: AddContentFlag, before: Submission, after: Submission) -> None: """Create a log entry when there is a problem with stopword content.""" if event.flag_type is ContentFlag.Type.LOW_STOP: admin_log(event.creator.username, "admin comment", event.comment, username="system", submission_id=after.submission_id, paper_id=after.arxiv_id)
[docs]def log_classifier_failed(event: AddMetadataFlag, before: Submission, after: Submission) -> None: """Create a log entry when the classifier returns no suggestions.""" if type(event.annotation) is not ClassifierResults: return if not event.annotation.results: admin_log(event.creator.username, "admin comment", "Classifier failed to return results for submission", username="system", submission_id=after.submission_id, paper_id=after.arxiv_id)
ON_EVENT: Dict[type, Callable[[Event, Submission, Submission], None]] = { UnFinalizeSubmission: [log_unfinalize], AcceptProposal: [log_accept_system_cross], AddContentFlag: [log_stopwords] } """Logging functions to call when an event is comitted."""
[docs]def handle(event: Event, before: Submission, after: Submission) -> None: """ Generate an admin log entry for an event that is being committed. Looks for a logging function in :const:`.ON_EVENT` and, if found, calls it with the passed parameters. Parameters ---------- event : :class:`event.Event` The event being committed. before : :class:`.domain.submission.Submission` State of the submission before the event. after : :class:`.domain.submission.Submission` State of the submission after the event. """ if type(event) in ON_EVENT: for callback in ON_EVENT[type(event)]: callback(event, before, after)
[docs]def admin_log(program: str, command: str, text: str, notify: bool = False, username: Optional[str] = None, hostname: Optional[str] = None, submission_id: Optional[int] = None, paper_id: Optional[str] = None, document_id: Optional[int] = None) -> models.AdminLogEntry: """ Add an entry to the admin log. Parameters ---------- program : str Name of the application generating the log entry. command : str Name of the command generating the log entry. text : str Content of the admin log entry. notify : bool username : str hostname : str Hostname or IP address of the client. submission_id : int paper_id : str document_id : int """ if paper_id is None and submission_id is not None: paper_id = f'submit/{submission_id}' with util.transaction() as session: entry = models.AdminLogEntry( paper_id=paper_id, username=username, host=hostname, program=program, command=command, logtext=text, document_id=document_id, submission_id=submission_id, notify=notify ) session.add(entry) return entry