arxiv.submission.domain.flag module

Data structures related to QA.

class arxiv.submission.domain.flag.ContentFlag(event_id, creator, created, flag_type, flag_data, comment, proxy=None, flag_datatype=<factory>)[source]

Bases: arxiv.submission.domain.flag.Flag

A flag related to the content of the submission.

class Type[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Supported content flags.

CHARACTER_SET = 'character set'

Possibly excessive use of non-ASCII characters.

LANGUAGE = 'language'

Possibly not English language.

LINE_NUMBERS = 'line numbers'

Content has line numbers.

LOW_STOP = 'low stopwords'

Number of stopwords is abnormally low.

LOW_STOP_PERCENT = 'low stopword percentage'

Frequency of stopwords is abnormally low.

class arxiv.submission.domain.flag.Flag(event_id, creator, created, flag_type, flag_data, comment, proxy=None, flag_datatype=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for flags.

proxy = None
class arxiv.submission.domain.flag.MetadataFlag(event_id, creator, created, flag_type, flag_data, comment, proxy=None, flag_datatype=<factory>, field=None)[source]

Bases: arxiv.submission.domain.flag.Flag

A flag related to the submission metadata.

class Type[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Supported metadata flags.

CHARACTER_SET = 'character_set'
LANGUAGE = 'language'
POSSIBLE_DUPLICATE_TITLE = 'possible duplicate title'
field = None
class arxiv.submission.domain.flag.PossibleDuplicate

Bases: dict

class arxiv.submission.domain.flag.UserFlag(event_id, creator, created, flag_type, flag_data, comment, proxy=None, flag_datatype=<factory>)[source]

Bases: arxiv.submission.domain.flag.Flag

A flag related to the submitter.

class Type[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Supported user flags.

RATE = 'rate'
Return type
