arxiv.submission.schedule module

Policies for announcement scheduling.

Submissions to arXiv are normally made public on Sunday through Thursday, with no announcements Friday or Saturday.

Received Between (ET)

Announced (ET)


Mon 14:00 - Tue 14:00 Tue 14:00 - Wed 14:00 Wed 14:00 - Thu 14:00 Thu 14:00 - Fri 14:00 Fri 14:00 - Mon 14:00

Tue 20:00 Wed 20:00 Thu 20:00 Sun 20:00 Mon 20:00

Tuesday Night / Wednesday Morning Wednesday Night / Thursday Morning Thursday Night / Friday Morning Sunday Night / Monday Morning Monday Night / Tuesday Morning

class arxiv.submission.schedule.Weekdays

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

Fri = 5
Mon = 1
Sat = 6
Sun = 7
Thu = 4
Tue = 2
Wed = 3

Get the datetime of the next announcement.

Return type



Get the datetime of the next freeze.

Return type
