Source code for search.agent.consumer

"""Provides a record processor for MetadataIsAvailable notifications."""

import json
import os
import time
from typing import List, Any, Optional, Dict
from arxiv.base import logging
from import metadata, index
from search.process import transform
from search.domain import DocMeta, Document, asdict
from arxiv.base.agent import BaseConsumer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.propagate = False

[docs]class DocumentFailed(RuntimeError): """Raised when an arXiv paper could not be added to the search index."""
[docs]class IndexingFailed(RuntimeError): """Raised when indexing failed such that future success is unlikely."""
[docs]class MetadataRecordProcessor(BaseConsumer): """Consumes ``MetadataIsAvailable`` notifications, updates the index.""" MAX_ERRORS = 5 """Max number of individual document failures before aborting entirely.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Initialize exception counter.""" self.sleep: float = kwargs.pop('sleep', 0.1) super(MetadataRecordProcessor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore self._error_count = 0 # TODO: bring McCabe index down. def _get_metadata(self, arxiv_id: str) -> DocMeta: """ Retrieve metadata from the :mod:`.metadata` service. Parameters ---------- arxiv_id : str Am arXiv identifier, with or without a version affix. Returns ------- :class:`.DocMeta` Metadata for the arXiv paper. Raises ------ DocumentFailed Indexing of the document failed. This may have no bearing on the success of subsequent papers. IndexingFailed Indexing of the document failed in a way that indicates recovery is unlikely for subsequent papers. """ logger.debug(f'{arxiv_id}: get metadata') try: logger.debug(f'{arxiv_id}: requesting metadata') docmeta: DocMeta = metadata.retrieve(arxiv_id) except metadata.ConnectionFailed as e: # The metadata service will retry bad responses, but not connection # errors. Sometimes it just takes another try, so why not. logger.warning(f'{arxiv_id}: first attempt failed, retrying') try: docmeta = metadata.retrieve(arxiv_id) except metadata.ConnectionFailed as e: # Things really are looking bad. There is no need to keep # trying with subsequent records, so let's abort entirely. logger.error(f'{arxiv_id}: second attempt failed, giving up') raise IndexingFailed( 'Indexing failed; metadata endpoint could not be reached.' ) from e except metadata.RequestFailed as e: logger.error(f'{arxiv_id}: request failed') raise DocumentFailed('Request to metadata service failed') from e except metadata.BadResponse as e: logger.error(f'{arxiv_id}: bad response from metadata service') raise DocumentFailed('Bad response from metadata service') from e except Exception as e: logger.error(f'{arxiv_id}: unhandled error, metadata service: {e}') raise IndexingFailed('Unhandled exception') from e return docmeta def _get_bulk_metadata(self, arxiv_ids: List[str]) -> List[DocMeta]: """ Retrieve metadata from :mod:`.metadata` service for multiple documents. Parameters ---------- arxiv_id : str Am arXiv identifier, with or without a version affix. Returns ------- Dict[str, :class:`.DocMeta`] A dictionary containing arxiv_ids as keys and DocMeta objects as values. Raises ------ DocumentFailed Indexing of the document failed. This may have no bearing on the success of subsequent papers. IndexingFailed Indexing of the document failed in a way that indicates recovery is unlikely for subsequent papers. """ logger.debug(f'{arxiv_ids}: get bulk metadata') meta: List[DocMeta] try: logger.debug(f'{arxiv_ids}: requesting bulk metadata') meta = metadata.bulk_retrieve(arxiv_ids) return meta except metadata.ConnectionFailed as e: # The metadata service will retry bad responses, but not connection # errors. Sometimes it just takes another try, so why not. logger.warning(f'{arxiv_ids}: first attempt failed, retrying') try: meta = metadata.bulk_retrieve(arxiv_ids) return meta except metadata.ConnectionFailed as e: # Things really are looking bad. There is no need to keep # trying with subsequent records, so let's abort entirely. logger.error(f'{arxiv_ids}: second attempt failed, giving up') raise IndexingFailed( 'Indexing failed; metadata endpoint could not be reached.' ) from e except metadata.RequestFailed as e: logger.error(f'{arxiv_ids}: request failed') raise DocumentFailed('Request to metadata service failed') from e except metadata.BadResponse as e: logger.error(f'{arxiv_ids}: bad response from metadata service') raise DocumentFailed('Bad response from metadata service') from e except Exception as e: logger.error(f'{arxiv_ids}: unhandled error, metadata svc: {e}') raise IndexingFailed('Unhandled exception') from e @staticmethod def _transform_to_document(docmeta: DocMeta) -> Document: """ Transform paper :class:`.DocMeta` to a search :class:`.Document`. Parameters ---------- docmeta : :class:`DocMeta` Metadata for an arXiv paper. Returns ------- :class:`.Document` A search document ready for indexing. Raises ------ DocumentFailed Indexing of the document failed. This may have no bearing on the success of subsequent papers. """ try: document = transform.to_search_document(docmeta) except Exception as e: # At the moment we don't have any special exceptions. logger.error('unhandled exception during transform: %s', e) raise DocumentFailed('Could not transform document') from e return document @staticmethod def _add_to_index(document: Document) -> None: """ Add a :class:`.Document` to the search index. Parameters ---------- document : :class:`.Document` Raises ------ IndexingFailed Indexing of the document failed in a way that indicates recovery is unlikely for subsequent papers. """ try: index.add_document(document) except index.IndexConnectionError as e: # Let's try once more before giving up entirely. try: index.add_document(document) except index.IndexConnectionError as e: # Nope, not happening. raise IndexingFailed('Could not index document') from e except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Unhandled exception from index service: {e}') raise IndexingFailed('Unhandled exception') from e @staticmethod def _bulk_add_to_index(documents: List[Document]) -> None: """ Add :class:`.Document` to the search index. Parameters ---------- documents : :class:`.Document` Raises ------ IndexingFailed Indexing of the document failed in a way that indicates recovery is unlikely for subsequent papers. """ try: index.bulk_add_documents(documents) except index.IndexConnectionError as e: # Let's try once more before giving up entirely. try: index.bulk_add_documents(documents) except index.IndexConnectionError as e: # Nope, not happening. logger.error(f'Could not bulk index documents: {e}') raise IndexingFailed('Could not bulk index documents') from e except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Unhandled exception from index service: {e}') raise IndexingFailed('Unhandled exception') from e
[docs] def index_paper(self, arxiv_id: str) -> None: """ Index a single paper, including its previous versions. Parameters ---------- arxiv_id : str A **versionless** arXiv e-print identifier. """ self.index_papers([arxiv_id])
[docs] def index_papers(self, arxiv_ids: List[str]) -> None: """ Index multiple papers, including their previous versions. Parameters ---------- arxiv_ids : List[str] A list of **versionless** arXiv e-print identifiers. Raises ------ DocumentFailed Indexing of the documents failed. This may have no bearing on the success of subsequent papers. IndexingFailed Indexing of the documents failed in a way that indicates recovery is unlikely for subsequent papers. """ try: documents = [] for docmeta in self._get_bulk_metadata(arxiv_ids): logger.debug(f'{docmeta.paper_id}: transform to Document') document = MetadataRecordProcessor._transform_to_document( docmeta ) documents.append(document) logger.debug('add to index in bulk') MetadataRecordProcessor._bulk_add_to_index(documents) except (DocumentFailed, IndexingFailed) as e: # We just pass these along so that process_record() can keep track. logger.debug(f'{arxiv_ids}: Document failed: {e}') raise e
[docs] def process_record(self, record: dict) -> None: """ Call for each record that is passed to process_records. Parameters ---------- data : bytes partition_key : bytes sequence_number : int sub_sequence_number : int Raises ------ IndexingFailed Indexing of the document failed in a way that indicates recovery is unlikely for subsequent papers, or too many individual documents failed. """ time.sleep(self.sleep)'Processing record {record["SequenceNumber"]}') if self._error_count > self.MAX_ERRORS: raise IndexingFailed('Too many errors') try: deserialized = json.loads(record['Data'].decode('utf-8')) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: logger.error("Error while deserializing data %s", e) logger.error("Data payload: %s", record['Data']) raise DocumentFailed('Could not deserialize record data') # return # Don't bring down the whole batch. try: arxiv_id: str = deserialized.get('document_id') self.index_paper(arxiv_id) except DocumentFailed as e: logger.debug(f'{arxiv_id}: failed to index document') self._error_count += 1 except IndexingFailed as e: logger.error(f'Indexing failed: {e}') raise